$4.3 Million Will Support Habitat Restoration in Coastal Louisiana

The South Delacroix Marsh Creation Project complements other NOAA-sponsored CWPPRA projects supporting fisheries and communities in the Delacroix area. (Image credit: Coastal National Elevation Database Applications Project)

The Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act Program has approved more than $4.3 million in funding for the NOAA-sponsored South Delacroix Marsh Creation Project. NOAA works through CWPPRA to restore habitat and support resilient communities and sustainable fisheries along the Louisiana coast.

Funding will support engineering and design of the South Delacroix project in partnership with the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority. The project will restore more than 400 acres of marsh in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. It complements three other nearby NOAA-sponsored CWPPRA projects providing broader benefits to fisheries in addition to protection for the communities in the Delacroix area.

Coastal Wetlands Provide Habitat, Economic Benefits

Coastal wetlands help protect communities and infrastructure from damage caused by wind, waves, and flooding. They are Louisiana’s first line of defense during hurricanes and storms. By providing habitat for fish and shellfish, wetlands also support a statewide seafood industry valued at nearly $1 billion per year. However, with one of the highest rates of wetland loss in the world, the Louisiana coastline has deteriorated extensively over the last several decades. Habitat restoration helps slow this high rate of land loss and sustain the important benefits these habitats provide.

Large-Scale Wetland Restoration in Louisiana

Since 1990, the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act Program has served as the primary means for responding to coastal wetland loss in Louisiana. Each year, large-scale restoration projects are approved for funding by the CWPPRA Task Force. The Task Force is composed of the State of Louisiana and five participating federal agencies:

  • NOAA
  • US Army Corps of Engineers
  • US Environmental Protection Agency
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service

NOAA has been the federal sponsor for more than 40 wetland restoration projects through the program. This work has restored more than 12,500 acres of vulnerable coastline and helped build the resilience of coastal communities.

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