Coastal News

Improving the Health of Coastal Ecosystems Affected by Invasive Species

The Australian Government Reef Trust is working to protect coastal ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef region. These ecosystems are under threat from invasive species, human overuse and vehicle traffic.

NQ Dry Tropics delivered a dune restoration project along the Burdekin coastline. This project has restored sand dunes through practical, on-ground actions. It allows native species to rejuvenate through revegetation and the installation of fencing.

Healthy vegetated sand dunes:

  • protect low-lying land from tidal surges and storms
  • ensure the natural environment is resilient against a changing climate
  • protect the foreshore against erosion
  • provide food and nesting areas for native fauna.

A second project involved constructing three fish passages. This helps fish populations connect between the freshwater reaches of priority catchments. Fish monitoring at Alligator creek demonstrated that the project was a success.

The Australian Government Reef Trust funds a range of projects in the Great Barrier Reef region and is supporting delivery of the Reef 2050 Plan. This is the overarching framework for protecting and managing the Reef.

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