Ocean Career: OAI MMPA Support Services

Ocean Associates Inc. (OAI) is seeking an applicant to provide Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) support services for the Pacific Island Regional Office (PIRO) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Marine Fisheries Service (Fisheries), headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii. OAI is a Virginia corporation established in 2003 that provides consulting and technical services to the US government, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, and the private sector. We specialize in scientific program and project management, strategic planning, professional and technical services, and stakeholder engagement, supporting government contracts. We are seeking applicants for this position prospectively, which is dependent on award of contract.


PIRO’s Protected Resources Division (PRD) is dedicated to protecting and recovering endangered and threatened species of sea turtles, monk seals, cetaceans, corals, and other species in the Pacific Islands Region as mandated by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). PIRO is responsible for implementing actions under Section 4 of the ESA, which includes rulemaking, critical habitat designations, species listings, recovery planning, and recovery implementation. PIRO also has requirements for conducting inter-agency consultations under Section 7 of the ESA, whereby federal agencies consult with Fisheries to ensure their actions avoid jeopardizing listed species or destroying critical habitat. Under the authority of the MMPA, PIRO is responsible for developing and implementing take reduction programs (i.e., False Killer Whale Take Reduction Plan), List of Fisheries, MMPA rules (i.e., spinner dolphin protective regulations), and implementing actions as required under the MMPA for the protection and conservation of protected marine mammals.


  • Support the development, implementation, and monitoring of spinner dolphin protective regulations (i.e., Swim With and Approach Regulation, Time-Area Closures of Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins Essential Habitats).
    • Provide Hawaiian spinner dolphin and general protected species outreach support to users interacting with Hawaiian spinner dolphins and the general public at targeted sites: Kealakekua Bay, Honaunau Bay, Hookena Bay, La Perouse Bay, and other sites as needed.
      • Develop content for spinner dolphin protective regulations and protected species outreach signs and brochures.
      • Provide protected species outreach information to the public at the spinner dolphin sites (i.e., Kealakekua Bay, Honaunau Bay, Hookena Bay).
      • Coordinate with the NOAA Fisheries Project Lead to identify and implement strategies for protected species outreach at spinner dolphin sites.
    • Coordinate with community members to identify partnership opportunities that support spinner dolphin protective regulations compliance and protected species conservation.
    • Monitor sites with high levels of spinner dolphin use (i.e., Kealakekua Bay, Honaunau Bay, Hookena Bay, and La Perouse Bay) to record and quantify human interactions with spinner dolphins and other protected species using the PIRO-established methods for monitoring human interactions with spinner dolphins.
    • Monitor sites to record spinner dolphin use and abundance using the PIRO-established methods for conducting surveys.
    • Assist PIRO in the preparation of the proposed and final rules.
      • Literature review, preparing sections of proposed and final rules, consolidating public comments, and analyzing data.
      • Review and edit documents for compliance with Section 508 requirements.


Applicants must have the following minimum requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field.
  • One (1) year of experience working with marine mammal resources programs and/or threatened and endangered species (ESA) programs.
  • One (1) year of experience in marine natural resource planning.
  • One (1) year of experience working on ESA and/or MMPA actions in Hawaii, Guam, CNMI, American Samoa, and/or PRIAs.
  • Interdisciplinary expertise related to program and project management, business processes, best practices and procedures, database management, and meeting facilitation.
  • Knowledge and expertise of NOAA Fisheries policies and programs, as well as experience with planning, and Federal financial management and operations.
  • Basic computer skills (MS Office, etc.).
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Ability to work effectively both individually and collaboratively in a team/group setting.
  • Ability to receive constructive feedback and implement appropriate action.

Compensation: This is a full-time position with benefits. Salary, commensurate with experience, $32 – $40 per hour.

Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply.

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