Profiling the interplay between marine science, industry, and policy.

The water column is made up of complex layers, each with unique chemistries, life, and services offered to the greater whole. Depth layers trade and barter in heat, carbon, and nutrients. And while it may be the largest habitat on Earth, it is also the least characterized.

Like the water column, the applied marine science industry is made up of unique sectors, each offering specific services, insights, products, and guidance for forecasting, managing, and understanding the ocean environment.

Environment, Coastal & Offshore (ECO) Magazine introduces “The Water Column” as an exclusive space to give our audience an alternate, bird’s eye view of the happenings involving marine science, industry, and policy, bringing more connection to the layers leading the ocean industry and blue economy.

We’ll cover new tools—marine sensors and instruments improving monitoring and measuring; new methods—like the integration of eDNA into impact studies or the co-location of aquaculture with offshore energy; and new policies—the regulatory foundation and framework for the work being done.

You will find “The Water Column” in each of our print editions of ECO Magazine, nestled among the pages of Environmental Policy news, and in a monthly circulating digital edition found on LinkedIn and our website.

latest issue

Sampling and survey techniques, methods, and technologies are far-reaching across the applied marine science space. These days, many instruments and…
