Ocean Career: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission Fisheries Technician 1—Fish Husbandry

Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission is seeking a highly motivated individual to assist the US Geological Survey as a fish husbandry technician at the Marrowstone Marine Field Station. Understanding the components of morbidity and mortality to populations of wild animals, infectious and parasitic diseases represent important, yet largely understudied factors; likely because their effects often go unnoticed. One approach to assessing the impacts of endemic pathogens is to perform controlled pathogen-exposure experiments on regionally important fishes like pacific herring and salmon.

The primary responsibilities of the incumbent will be to provide daily care and husbandry for colonies of specific pathogen free marine fish at the Marrowstone Marine Field Station, located in Nordland, Washington. Daily care will involve continued rearing, feeding, tank cleaning, live feed production, and general procedures requires in a biosafety Level 2 marine fish containment laboratory. Secondary responsibilities will include assisting scientists with ongoing experiments involving these and other fish as well as assisting with laboratory diagnostics on samples from ongoing experiments and field surveillances.

All phases of rearing marine larval fish will be performed by the incumbent, including but not limited to cultivation of live feed (phytoplankton, rotifers, and Artemia), disinfection of tools and laboratory equipment, feeding larval fish, cleaning tanks, etc.

Essential Functions:

  • Participate in survey crews that conduct regional fishery presence/absence research, recreational/commercial fishing surveys, anadromous fish escapement surveys (carcass, redd, trap/weir, snorkel, etc.), or tag detection and mark recovery surveys. Make standardized observations such as species identification, length, weight, behavior, growth, survival, reproductive condition, and/or signs of parasites, diseases or pathogens, fin clips or tags.
  • Collect and organize biological and habitat samples and collections (such as scales, otoliths, ageing structures, other tissues, water quality, etc.).
  • Support captive fish rearing activities including spawning, incubating, feeding, sampling, sorting, handling, medicating, anesthetizing, and transporting fish. Monitor the status of facility systems and equipment. Assist in development, fabrication, construction, and maintenance of systems.
  • Make regular facility inspections including, for example, dewatering equipment, pumps, flumes, gates, tanks, screens, filters, gatewells, and/or tag interrogation equipment. Monitor and maintain water quality levels. Record findings and adjustments made. Respond appropriately and immediately to emergencies.
  • Support watershed and stream assessments by working as part of a field team that performs habitat surveys. Includes road inventories, stream habitat inventories, channel typing, habitat typing, woody debris and riparian inventories.
  • Summarize and input biological or habitat data on field forms, electronic data loggers, and/or desktop computers. May assist with preliminary data summaries and analyses, technical report writing, or database management.
  • Perform precision ageing of various fish species in a laboratory setting. Record age and growth data in the appropriate format.
  • Research the land ownership of survey sites and assist in processes for gaining access approval, which may include direct landowner contact.

Knowledge Required by the Position:

At the lower end of the range, employees use knowledge of basic arithmetic, reading, writing, and data collection to perform routine or repetitive tasks.

At the upper end of the position range, employees use knowledge of the basic principles and protocols of fish biology to make readings, measurements, and observations; execute tests; collect samples, etc. If complex equipment systems are operated, the employee has the knowledge to perform calibrations or adjustments to achieve desired results.

Application deadline: July 15, 2024

Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply.

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