Ocean Career: Saltwater Inc. ESA Section 7 Consultant

We are currently recruiting for an ESA Section 7 Consultant to perform technical and analytical support of government staff for duties associated with the conservation and recovery of ESA-listed species, specifically, assisting Alaska Region’s Protected Resources Division (PRD).

NOAA requires Contractor support to meet the demands of ESA consultations in Alaska. The administration had mandated expedited analysis timeframes and a 25% reduction in time to complete informal section 7 consultations. The period of performance will be October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024, with two 1-year option periods. Work may be performed on-site and off-site.


  • Task A: Early technical assistance
  • Act as representative for early technical assistance regarding ESA section 7 consultation requirements, distinctions between the affect determinations, authorizing incidental taking of listed species, and measures to minimize, mitigate or avoid the taking of listed species.
  • Task B: Managing consultation requests
  • Task C: Informal Consultations
  • Conduct ESA section 7 informal consultations, including communicating with federal action agencies, reviewing information to meet consultation needs, performing assessment of project effects relative to ESA standards, preparing Letters of Concurrence (LoC), assembling administrative records of consultations, completing NMFS consultation tracking database (ECO) entries, and assisting with responding to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
  • Task D: Formal Consultations
  • Conduct ESA section 7 formal and programmatic consultations, including communicating and meeting with federal action agencies, reviewing and assessing Biological Assessments and draft and final Marine Mammal Protection Act Incidental Harassment Authorization applications, assessing project effects upon ESA-listed marine mammals relative to ESA standards, preparing Biological Opinions, assembling administrative records of consultations, completing NMFS consultation tracking database (ECO) entries, and assisting with responding to FOIA requests.
  • Task E: ESA species recovery actions
  • Conduct tasks related to the recovery of ESA-listed marine mammals, including outreach, data entry, and participation in working groups addressing recovery of ESA-listed species.

Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply.

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