Ocean Career: Scotland Marine Policy Analyst

SS was established by the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021, which received royal ascent in January 2021. ESS was established and gained its statutory functions and powers on October 1, 2021.

ESS has been set up to ensure environmental laws and standards are adhered to in Scotland, replacing the European Union’s scrutiny and enforcement role.

The remit of ESS covers a broad range of environmental law, including all aspects of environmental protection and harm, particularly in relation to human beings and their enjoyment of the environment.

ESS’ role is to scrutinize, investigate and secure improvements in public authorities’ compliance with environmental law, the effectiveness of environmental law, and the way it is being implemented and applied in Scotland.

ESS is accountable to the Scottish Parliament for the effective performance of its functions. It has recently published its Strategic Plan, setting out how it will operate and function, including how it will act objectively, impartially, proportionately, and transparently.

ESS will:

  • Monitor information about the quality of the environment in Scotland and the effectiveness of environmental law, including representations brought forward by citizens and interested groups;
  • Seek information from public authorities, including the Scottish Government, and working with the public authorities to understand the background to regulatory policies and practices;
  • Select a number of cases for detailed investigation, prioritizing cases where there is the greatest risk to the environment;
  • Work with public authorities, where necessary, to seek to agree changes in practice to reflect environmental law, or develop advice on recommended changes to the law to improve its effectiveness.

This post sits within the Strategy and Analysis Team at ESS and will report directly to a B3 Senior Policy Analyst.

Job Description

This is an important role within the Strategy and Analysis Team. We are seeking an enthusiastic and passionate fixed term or seconded appointment Marine Policy Analyst to coordinate delivery of a key analytical project on threats to the marine environment. The postholder will be working closely with other policy staff in Scottish Government and its Agencies and will be expected to be an informed analyst on environmental standards in the marine environment.

A key aim of the project is identifying areas of concern around compliance or the effectiveness of environmental law. This will include regular engagement with public authorities and other environmental stakeholders. You will work in an interdisciplinary policy team comprising colleagues with a range of backgrounds including legal, regulation, enforcement, research, scientists, and policy specialists. You will need to be able to produce high quality analysis, engage colleagues and stakeholders, and clearly communicate key insights to influence the direction of ESS’ work.

The initial focus of the project will be on three main elements including physical threats to the seafloor, marine litter, and cumulative effects. There will also be a cross cutting theme considering data gaps and limitations related to these and other marine threats. The role will include a detailed analysis of these topics as well as supporting wider ESS work on the marine environment and related issues, for example related to representations or other analytical priorities.

Key Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Contribute to specific programs of monitoring and analysis of environmental policy and legislation, working individually or as part of project teams and using a wide range of existing policy, evidence, and data sources.
  • Support the ESS investigations team in investigating the most important environmental concerns by providing additional analysis on marine issues as required.
  • Project coordinator for a package of work focused on threats to the marine environment. This will include working with policy and other analytical colleagues and relevant external stakeholders to analyze, summaries, and report on a range of issues and topics with the development of appropriate recommendations for action or further work by ESS or others.
  • Produce high quality reports and summaries on marine issues to identify areas of concern around compliance or effectiveness of environmental law and to support further analysis and ESS investigations into these issues. Disseminate findings as appropriate to a wide range of stakeholders and encourage their wider use.
  • Policy lead for ESS on marine issues including policy support to B3s and the C1 on general marine issues and advice to wider ESS staff.

Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply.

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