Ocean Career: University of St. Andrews Post-doctoral Researcher

We are seeking a talented and creative postdoctoral researcher to work on high latitude ocean dynamics, using observations, numerical models, and theory. Candidates should have a high level of technical skill in numerical modeling and data analysis, and a strong grasp of ocean dynamics.

The position is initially available for two years, with the possibility of extension.

Through their impact on Earth’s energy budget and biogeochemical cycles, the high-latitude oceans play a crucial role in global climate on timescales ranging from decades to millennia. A prominent circulation feature in these regions is large cyclonic gyres. Although these subpolar gyres exhibit many similar features across the different ocean basins, their impacts on climate (particularly through carbon and heat uptake) differ substantially. In a warming climate, the configuration of these gyres—including their surface forcing and connectivity to the rest of the ocean—is going to change. Predicting the nature of these changes, and their broad impact on global climate, relies on a deep understanding of the underlying dynamics of these regions.

You will join the Ocean Dynamics group at the University of St Andrews. You will explore a wide array of observational data to understand the dominant characteristics of the high-latitude ocean gyres in both the Northern and Southern hemisphere and develop novel idealized numerical models of these regions. Using a collection of simulations, you will explore the sensitivity of these regions to changes in properties such as topographic configuration, surface forcing, and coupled ice-ocean dynamics. Together with theoretical considerations, you will use these simulations to develop an understanding of high-latitude ocean gyres, the timescales of their variability, and their impact on climate. Broadly, you will explore how and why different high-latitude ocean regions exhibit different properties and climate impacts and consider whether these impacts might be different under past or future climate states. Using this understanding, you will move on to assess the representation of these gyres in global climate models. To this project you will bring unique perspective and creativity and help to forge the overall direction of the research as it progresses.

You will have:

  • A Ph.D. (or shortly expected to achieve) or equivalent in physical or mathematical sciences;
  • An understanding of physical processes relating to climate and the ocean and/or atmospheric circulation;
  • Experience of running and/or analyzing numerical ocean circulation (or equivalent atmosphere/climate) models;
  • Strong programming skills in Python or another appropriate data processing and visualization language.

Closing Date: 20 November 2023

Salary: £37,099–£40,521 per annum

Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply.

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