Ocean Internship: 2023 UNOLS-MATE At-Sea Technical Internship Program

The U.S. Academic Research Fleet of UNOLS-designated research ships will host 1 long-term (approximately 6 months) and 12-14 short-term (4-16 weeks each) marine technical internships in 2023 (subject to funding).

Departure dates will depend on the schedule of each research cruise. We will first select candidates for internships starting in Spring, and then in Summer and Fall.

The selected interns will work with marine technicians and other crew members on shore and at sea and learn how to operate and maintain a variety of scientific and navigational equipment in support of shipboard scientific research. Interns will work, eat, and sleep aboard the research vessel, and be provided lodging off ship as needed. Shipboard sleeping arrangements vary vessel to vessel. The program will pay a stipend of $600 per week plus airfare, lodging and other approved travel expenses. Internship projects will vary from one hosting organization to another and correspond to the objectives set by each specific cruise mission. Previous interns have worked on cruises to support science projects ranging from chemical oceanography to marine biology, GIS/bathymetric surveys (seafloor mapping), geological studies, ROV missions, and much more! Many successful internships have resulted in job offers. Please email Maria Osiadacz, Program Manager, mosiadacz@mpc.edu, with questions about the program and life aboard research vessels.


  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and be U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents.
  • A valid U.S. passport is required for internships that require international travel.
  • Applicants must be enrolled in or graduated from an accredited higher education institution in the U.S.
  • Applicants should be interested in the field of Marine Technology in support of oceanographic research.
  • Previous time at sea is not required, but highly desirable. Being on a multi-week research cruise is not a good time to learn you are not able to work due to motion sickness.
  • Applicants must provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination and be tested for COVID-19 before boarding the ship.

Required references and supporting documents (in PDF or Word format only):

  • Contact information for three (3) professional references.
  • A cover letter describing why you are interested in Marine Technology, and why you believe you’re an ideal candidate for the internship program. Letters can be addressed to Maria Osiadacz, Program Manager.
  • Your most current professional resume.
  • A copy of your unofficial transcript(s).
  • A letter of recommendation from an instructor or a supervisor, preferably someone who has knowledge of your technical skills.

Learn more about this opportunity and how to apply.

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