Coastal News

Australian Government Announces Funding for Coastal Reef Restoration

The Australian Government has announced $28.5 million to support restoration and rehabilitation of coastal habitats on the Great Barrier Reef.

The funding will support projects that will be delivered through the Reef Coastal Restoration Program. Eighteen projects have been funded and will deliver widespread benefits for coastal ecosystems in the Reef.

The projects will protect, rehabilitate, and restore vital ecosystems, such as seagrasses, mangroves, saltmarshes, and wetlands.

The projects will also support Reef water quality improvements, protection of habitats for Reef marine life, and collaboration with Traditional Owners and the community.

The Reef Coastal Restoration Program is funded through the Reef Trust. It is part of the Australian Government’s $1.2 billion investment to protect the Reef.

The Program also supports the delivery of the Reef 2050 Plan. This is the Australian and Queensland government’s overarching framework for protecting and managing the Reef.


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