Environmental Policy News

EPA Accepts Comment on Tentative Research Permits for Climate Change Mitigation Study off the Coast of Cape Cod

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is inviting public comment on two tentative permits under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act for a research study on a potential climate change mitigation technique referred to as ocean alkalinity enhancement. The research study is proposed by a researcher at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

The proposed research is part of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s “LOC-NESS Project.” The applicant and their research team are interested in studying a potential climate change mitigation technique referred to as ocean alkalinity enhancement, which may result in possible removal and storage of carbon dioxide from ocean waters. The study would advance scientific knowledge of an ocean alkalinity enhancement method and its potential impacts to human health, the marine environment, and other uses of the ocean. The EPA does not anticipate any measurable environmental or other impacts beyond the monitoring periods of the study.

Under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, the EPA has the authority to issue research permits for the transportation and disposition of materials into the ocean for a research study when it is determined that the scientific merit of the proposed project outweighs the potential environmental or other damage that may result from the activities. While the EPA has issued many research permits under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, if issued, these would be the first permits by the agency to authorize this kind of research project studying ocean alkalinity enhancement.

The EPA welcomes comments on the tentative permits. Information on the proposed research activities and the EPA’s tentative determination to issue these permits are available on the Federal Rulemaking Portal Docket ID Nos. EPA-HQ-OW-2023-0591 and EPA-HQ-OW-2024-0189. The EPA will consider all comments received during the public comment period to inform the final determinations and conditions for the permitted activities.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has proposed a two-phased study. Phase 1 would occur over several days in the summer of 2024 south of Martha’s Vineyard (approximately 9.5 miles south of the nearest shoreline in Nomans Land Island, Massachusetts). Phase 2 would occur over several weeks in the summer of 2025 within the Wilkinson Basin (approximately 38 miles from the nearest shoreline in Cape Cod, Massachusetts). Both phases of the study would involve a controlled release of a sodium hydroxide solution, an alkaline liquid, into surface ocean waters and multi-day monitoring of temporary shifts in water chemistry and other environmental changes.

The EPA is hosting a virtual listening session on June 17, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. EDT to share information on both phases of the proposed research activities and the EPA’s tentative determinations. All persons who wish to participate in the listening session must register in advance.


There is a growing interest from federal agencies, researchers, industry and non-governmental entities to research marine carbon dioxide removal techniques, such as ocean alkalinity enhancement, that have the potential to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change. The EPA recognizes that research is needed to better understand the effectiveness of potential marine carbon dioxide removal techniques for mitigating the impacts of climate change and to understand the potential environmental benefits and risks of implementing these approaches. Depending on project specifics, a permit may be required for marine carbon dioxide removal activities in coastal waters or the ocean under permitting programs administered by the agency. Additional information is available on the EPA’s website for permitting of marine carbon dioxide removal activities.

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