How a Bacterial Parasite Thrives in the Nuclei of Deep-Sea Mussels

Microscopy image (fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) confocal microscopy) of tissues from a deep-sea mussel showing the intranuclear parasite Ca. Endonucleobacter in yellow, and the beneficial symbiotic bacteria in green and red. Cell nuclei are stained blue. The right panel is a zoom-in of the white square in the left panel. (Image credit: Miguel Angel Gonzalez-Porras/Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology)

Most an­im­als live in in­tim­ate re­la­tion­ships with bac­teria. Some of these bac­teria live in­side the cells of their hosts, but only very few are able to live in­side cell or­gan­elles (struc­tures in­side the cell, like or­gans in the body). One group of bac­teria have figured out how to col­on­ize the nuc­lei of their hosts, a re­mark­able feat given that the nuc­leus is the con­trol cen­ter of the cell.

To date, nothing is known about the molecular and cellular processes that these intranuclear bacteria use to infect and reproduce in animal hosts. A group of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, Germany, now presents the first in-depth analysis of an intranuclear parasite of animals in a study published in Nature Microbiology.

How to Massively Reproduce Within a Cell Without Killing It

This intranuclear parasite, Candidatus Endonucleobacter, infects the nuclei of deep-sea mussels from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps around the world. A single bacterial cell penetrates into the mussels’ nucleus and then reproduces to over 80,000 cells, causing the nucleus to swell to 50 times its original size. “We wanted to understand how the bacterium infects and reproduces inside nuclei, and in particular how these bacteria acquire the nutrients they need for their massive replication, yet keep their host cells from dying,“ says Niko Leisch, co-senior author together with Nicole Dubilier from the Symbiosis Department at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology. 

Us­ing a suite of mo­lecu­lar and ima­ging meth­ods, the sci­ent­ists re­vealed that Ca. En­do­nuc­leo­bac­ter lives on sug­ars, lip­ids and other cell com­pon­ents from its host. It does not di­gest its host nuc­leic acids, like many other in­tra­nuc­lear bac­teria. This feed­ing strategy en­sures that the host cell func­tions long enough to provide Ca. En­do­nuc­leo­bac­ter with the nu­tri­ents it needs to re­pro­duce to such massive num­bers.

Arms Race for the Control of the Cell

A com­mon re­sponse of an­imal cells to in­fec­tion is ap­op­tosis—a sui­cide pro­gram that cells ini­ti­ate when they are dam­aged or in­fec­ted by bac­teria or vir­uses. “In­ter­est­ingly, these bac­teria have come up with a soph­ist­ic­ated strategy to keep their host cells from killing them­selves,” says first au­thor Miguel Ángel González Por­ras. “They pro­duce pro­teins that sup­press ap­op­tosis called in­hib­it­ors of ap­op­tosis (IAPs).” An arms race for the con­trol of cell death then en­sues: As the bac­teria pro­duce more and more IAPs, the host cell ramps up its pro­duc­tion of pro­teins that in­duce ap­op­tosis. Even­tu­ally, after the para­site has had enough time to mul­tiply in masses, the host cell rup­tures, re­leas­ing the bac­teria and al­low­ing them to in­fect new host cells.

Nicole Du­bilier adds: “The dis­cov­ery of IAPs in Ca. En­do­nuc­leo­bac­ter was one of the most sur­pris­ing res­ults of our study, be­cause these pro­teins are only known from an­im­als and a few vir­uses, but have never been found in bac­teria.” The au­thors’ ana­lyses of the evol­u­tion­ary re­la­tion­ships of the IAPs re­vealed that the para­site likely ac­quired these genes from its host through ho­ri­zontal gene trans­fer (HGT). While HGT from bac­teria to eu­k­a­ryotes is well known, only very few ex­amples of HGT in the op­pos­ite dir­ec­tion—as the au­thors now found—are known.

Implications from Evolution to Medicine

“Our dis­cov­ery ex­pands our un­der­stand­ing of host-mi­crobe in­ter­ac­tions and high­lights the com­plex strategies para­sites have evolved to thrive in their hosts”, ex­plains Nicole Du­bilier. These find­ings could have broader im­plic­a­tions for study­ing para­sitic in­fec­tions and im­mune eva­sion strategies in other or­gan­isms. “Our re­search sheds light on an over­looked mech­an­ism of ge­netic ex­change—HGT from eu­k­a­ryotes to bac­teria—po­ten­tially in­flu­en­cing how we un­der­stand mi­cro­bial evol­u­tion and patho­gen­esis. Moreover, our study of­fers in­sights into ap­op­tosis reg­u­la­tion, which is rel­ev­ant to can­cer re­search and cell bio­logy,” Niko Leisch con­cludes.

Ori­ginal Pub­lic­a­tion

Porras, M.Á.G., Assié, A., Tietjen, M. et al. An intranuclear bacterial parasite of deep-sea mussels expresses apoptosis inhibitors acquired from its host. Nat Microbiol (2024).

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