Rovco and PanGeo Subsea Join Forces to Offer Innovative 3D O&M and Survey Solutions

Leading O&M and Survey Services supplier, partners with advanced sub-seabed 3D Acoustic Imaging solutions provider.

Rovco and PanGeo Subsea announces the formation of a powerful collaboration, designed to combine their respective areas of expertise to capture and provide early insight into changing subsea component and environmental conditions that may lead to wider problems or failures without planned intervention. This collaboration is born in response to the offshore energy market’s growing need for a prompt and detailed understanding of the performance of subsea infrastructure such as anodes, CPS, scour, cable burial and the effect of marine growth during the Operations & Maintenance (O&M) lifecycle.

This powerful combination fuses Rovco’s offshore O&M and hydrographic survey expertise, the SubSLAM X2 Intelligent Data Collection System, and PanGeo’s 3D Sub-Bottom Imager™ technology to deliver full 3D images of subsea assets – both above and below the seabed.

The offering allows owners and operators an efficient combination of industry-leading technologies to create reference models of critical components, providing an easy and intuitive way to keep track of their assets conditions within the design limitations of the OEMs and Engineering authorities original specifications. By combining the PanGeo SBI, SubSLAM and a host of ROV deployed tools, owners and operators are offered a single sourced solution to inform the condition of their jackets, monopiles and interconnecting cables plus protection systems, in a solution that can be deployed whilst the assets are still operating and energized (HVAC or HVDC).

“Technology solutions are what is enabling the sector to move forward at pace. De-risking and future-proofing offshore operations and investments with verifiable data.” Simon Miller, Managing Director for Rovco says. “The scope of what the Rovco-PanGeo collaboration can offer is impressive, ranging from as-built verification, to cable depth-of-burial, archaeological investigations, UXO analysis, structural asset inspections and much more.”

“We are excited to be entering into this working partnership with Rovco”, says Moya Cahill, PanGeo’s CEO. “Marrying up our respective equipment and technology to deliver a full comprehensive solution for clients adds value to the industry while supporting offshore regulations for O&M.”

For more details and to get a quote for O&M and survey services, please contact the Rovco sales team at or PanGeo’s sales team at

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