This project aims to develop an innovative solution for precise seabed surveying at great depths. The ongoing development involves creating a solution in which a multi-sensor underwater drone capable of diving to 3,000 meters will coordinate multiple AUVs to increase the surface of the exploration area. The research program also includes the development of advanced collaborative navigation, acoustic communications, positioning, and innovative mapping capabilities. CARMA supports the French authorities’ strategy to develop extensive deep-sea exploration capacities.
As part of this strategy, Exail will improve the capabilities of its deep-water AUV A18-D to serve as the leading AUV to guide the swarm. Improvements will enable navigation down to 3,000 meters, at close altitude from the seabed over sloped terrains, and to accurately geolocate the swarm’s acquired data. RTsys will extend the capabilities of its newly developed AUV COMET-3000 to dive up to 3,000 meters. Multiple units will be provided to act as followers, along with the development of an innovative launch and recovery system for the AUV swarm. ABYSSA will focus on developing exploration strategies for deep-water swarms of AUVS. Additionally, ABYSSA will process the magnetic data collected to map the magnetic anomalies on the seabed.