The Plan provides a strategy for the sustainable development of aquaculture in Ireland over the next decade and has been developed using a ‘food systems’ approach in line with Food Vision 2030. It envisages an increasing partnership between the public and private sector to achieve the four overarching objectives as established by the new EU Strategic Guidelines for a more sustainable and competitive EU aquaculture for the period 2021 to 2030.
On opening the consultation, Minister McConalogue said: “The Aquaculture sector has become a key part of Ireland’s seafood industry and has become a significant contributor to food supply for the Irish and export markets. This Plan will provide a roadmap to allow the sector to reach its potential in a sustainable manner, while also creating jobs and new opportunities for seafood businesses.”
The Plan was developed to build on the preceding plan which ran from 2015 to 2020 and aims to mainstream guidance for the sustainable development of EU aquaculture (2021 – 2030) into national aquaculture sector planning, inform the investment priorities for aquaculture in Ireland’s new Seafood Development Programme 2021-27 (EMFAF), and ensure that strategic planning for the aquaculture sector in Ireland responds to the latest thinking in terms of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Irish aquaculture in order to promote the development of a sustainable and forward-looking sector.
The Plan which runs up to 2030 is based on four strategic objectives, including Building resilience and competitiveness, Participating in the green transition, Ensuring social acceptance and consumer information, and Increasing knowledge and innovation, with a significant number of actions under each.
Minister McConalogue added, “My recent announcement of the €20m Brexit Sustainable Aquaculture Growth Scheme will provide immediate stimulus for aquaculture businesses to grow and meet the growing demand for Irish seafood. However, we also need to take a longer-term view on how aquaculture in Ireland can continue to develop into a more resilient and competitive industry, while also ensuring our coasts and natural environment are protected. The draft National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Aquaculture Development 2030 contains actions to contribute to these important aims.”
The draft Plan is available on the Irish government’s website – Public consultation on the National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Aquaculture Development, 2030 and the accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment will be available shortly. Submissions can be made to The closing date for submissions will be six weeks after the publications of the accompanying Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment. A specific closing date will be advised on once the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessments are published.