Hammerhead: The Low Cost, Ultra-Compact Pan & Tilt

Seeing the need for a simple, low-cost, ultra-compact pan and tilt for moving its lights and cameras, Arctic Rays, LLC has released Hammerhead for use on multiple platforms, including ROVs, HOVs, ASVs, landers and fixed platforms.

Hammerhead provides a rated torque of 6.8 N-m (5 ft-lbs) and a stall torque of 12.2 N-m (9 ft-lbs) in a compact envelope measuring only 5.45” (138mm) tall x 4.06” (103mm) wide x 2.5” (63mm) deep. Hammerhead features absolute position feedback and unlimited rotation in both axes at speeds up to 5 rpm (30 degrees/sec) with user-settable soft-stops and turns counter for precise control. It is made of 316 Stainless Steel and available in a 1,000-meter rated air-filled version, or a 6,000-meter oil-filled version.

In-air weight for the oil filled version is 2.7 kg (6.0 lbs), with in-water weight being 2.0 kg (4.4 lbs).

Electrically, Hammerhead can accept an input voltage of 10 to 50 VDC and draws 120mA per axis un-loaded, and 425mA per axis stalled. Multi-drop RS232 control with soft-addressing allows up to 250 units on a single serial port.

“Many who had purchased our LED lights were dismayed at the lack of a simple, low cost pan and tilt solution for actively moving the lights in-situ.”, said Lee Frey, co-owner and engineer for Artic Rays. “It seemed ridiculous to move a $2,000 light with a $15,000 pan and tilt, so we developed Hammerhead – a fully capable pan and tilt for under $5,000.”, continued Lee.

For more information, contact us at www.arcticrays.com or email us at info@arcticrays.com.

Source: Arctic Rays

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