Army Corps Seeks Input on North Slope Oil Project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) invites you to participate in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process in regards to the Nanushuk Project. The USACE has received a permit application from Repsol E&P USA Inc. (Repsol) to place fill in wetlands to develop an oil lease on the North Slope of Alaska near the Colville River approximately 7.5 miles northeast of the community of Nuiqsut, within the North Slope Borough (NSB).


The USACE is initiating the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process to provide people with the opportunity to be involved in the Federal agency decision making process. USACE has determined that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) level analysis will be required for this proposed project. Part of the EIS process will be to identify reasonable alternatives and document potential positive or negative environmental effects of the proposed project.

The EIS will also provide a clear and concise discussion of the potential environmental effects of the proposed project consistent with the NEPA and USACE regulations.

Public input can make a real difference in understanding:
• Issues and concerns that should be addressed in the EIS
• The way land and resources might be affected by the project
• Ideas on alternatives and ways to minimize impacts

The Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, North Slope Borough, and Native Village of Nuiqsut have been invited to act as cooperating agencies during the EIS process due to their specific permitting authority, special expertise, and/or consultation requirements for the project. Third party contractor DOWL will facilitate the EIS process and act as an extension of the USACE’s staff.

A website has been set up to answer questions and facilitate participation. The website includes mailing list registration and comment submission. Alternatively, an email can be sent to to be added to the mailing list, submit comments, ask questions, or request additional information not provided on the website. Public meetings are set up through the month of March 2016 and listed on the website. No set schedule for the comment period was provided.

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