$700,000 Available for Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Projects

Atlantic salmon. (Image credit: jamie/AdobeStock)

Up to $700,000 in NOAA funding is available for habitat restoration projects that directly benefit Atlantic salmon in the Gulf of Maine region. The Gulf of Maine distinct population segment of Atlantic salmon is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act and is one of ten NOAA Species in the Spotlight.

Atlantic salmon are an iconic species of the Northeast. They once returned by the hundreds of thousands to most major rivers along the northeastern United States. Now, they only return in small numbers to rivers in central and eastern Maine. These populations comprise the Gulf of Maine distinct population segment.

Degraded and inaccessible habitat is one of the largest obstacles facing the recovery of threatened and endangered species like Atlantic salmon. Restoration helps repair habitats that have been destroyed by development, blocked by dams, or harmed by other human activities. Through funding and technical assistance, NOAA supports projects that restore the habitats that threatened and endangered species need to recover.

This funding opportunity will remain open until 2026. Applications will be accepted and considered on an annual basis. To be considered for funding in the current federal fiscal year, applications are due by April 1, 2024. For funding in FY2025 and FY2026, applications will be due by March 31, 2025, and March 31, 2026, respectively.

NOAA will accept proposals with a NOAA federal funding request of between $100,000 and $1.5 million over a 3-year award period. For more information, view the Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants funding opportunity. Read more about previously funded projects.

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