Environment, Coastal and Offshore (ECO) Magazine, a leading international trade publication reporting on core topics, critical issues and emerging trends in ocean science, innovation and exploration, and the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) today announced an exclusive editorial partnership for 2020.
The AAUS is a non-profit, self-regulating body dedicated to the establishment and maintenance of standards of practice for scientific diving. The AAUS’s mission includes advancing and facilitating safe and productive scientific diving.
As of January 2020, ECO magazine’s new dedicated scientific diving section will provide readers with vital updates on diving safety, state-of-the-art diving techniques, methodologies and best practices, and research diving expeditions.
“The majority of our readers work in the field at some time during their careers, and often this includes the practice of scientific diving,” said Kira Coley, senior editor of ECO Magazine. “This new partnership will give readers access to important information on the latest diving safety advice and best practices, and help towards the retrieval of much needed, high-quality data while safely conducting or supervising diving surveys.”
Since 1983, the AAUS has expanded from the original six organizational members to more than 145 organizational members and over 2000 individuals today. Organizational membership includes colleges and universities, government agencies, museums and aquaria, environmental and archaeological consulting firms, and community science groups sharing a common thread of the use of diving as a research tool and a commitment to the health and safety of scientific divers.
“This exciting partnership with ECO Magazine will give the AAUS a new platform to reach out beyond our membership to spread awareness of and provide resources to the scientific diving community. Our community is an interesting and diverse group and we are eager to share it with the ECO readership,” said Heather Albright, Operations Manager of the AAUS.
The partnership is one of several latest announcements from ECO Magazine that aims to further meet the information needs of the global ocean community. Recent announcements include a 2020 editorial partnership with UNESCO-IOC in support of the UN Ocean Decade, the founding of an expert editorial board, and a 2020 special issue dedicated to coral reef research produced in partnership with the International Coral Reef Symposium 2020.
For more information, and to claim your free subscription to ECO Magazine, click here. For more information about the AAUS, click here.